Feeding the Multitudes Ministry
Florence Christian Church has a reputation. This reputation has been forged from an almost 190 year commitment to being a “Servant Church” in our community. Serving as a hospital in the Civil War, acting as a good neighbor during Civil Rights unrest of the 1960s, providing a large community Thanksgiving meal and taking Vacation Bible School to local apartment neighborhoods to serving as an emergency cold shelter in 2019, we have a reputation in the northern Kentucky area as a church who extends care and compassion through service.
Free and Fresh Food Distribution
On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 2 PM, Florence Christian Church hosts a collaborative food distribution for everyone. There are no income guidelines or proof of need required. Folks drive by the front doors and volunteers put fresh produce and shelf stable food items directly into their cars.
Food Aid – Action Ministries Community Food Ministry
In partnership with Action Ministries, this team provides a once a month delivery of food to residents at Arcadia Park Senior Center.
Care & Share Food Pantry
The Care & Share Pantry is supplemental food assistance available 24/7 located outdoors in the upper parking lot. Guests to the pantry are welcome to take as much as they need and leave an abundance they may have.
Turkey Supper
Every November Florence Christian Church offers our community a free meal with Turkey and all the trimmings! This is literally one of the ways Florence Christian Church celebrates God’s welcome table!
Christians for Critters
Christians for Critters is one way Florence Christian Church pays tribute to our four-legged friends. We collect food and other pet supplies for our Arcadia Park neighbors. We also sponsor a “Blessing of the Pets” service in our meditation garden every Fall.
Collaborating Organizations
- LiveWell Florence
- WellCare Health Care Company
- Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
- UK Extension Office
- Northern Kentucky Health Department
- Walgreen’s
- St. Elizabeth Nurses Clinic
- Master Provisions
- FreeStore FoodBank
- St. Elizabeth Healthcare
- Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission
- Action Ministries
- National Benevolent Association
- Boone County Library
- Welcome House of Northern Kentucky
- Kentucky Cancer Program
- Humana MarketPoint
- Brighton Center
- Kroger
- Boone County Fiscal Court
- R.C. Durr Foundation
- Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky
- Mary Rose Mission
- Hope Ministries
- PIN Ministries
- Rose Garden Mission
- Legal Aid of the Bluegrass
- UK HealthCare
- The Motz Group
- Aetna Health Care
- Molina Passport Health
- Storm Cells
- Boone County Garden Club
- Florence Elks
- Bombas
- Safety Net Alliance
- Boone County Schools
- Paying for Senior Care